Contact information

Digi & Game Center, Matarankatu 2, 40100 Jyväskylä - Finland

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What we delivered

We started working with FSE so we would develop their products and improve the business, in late 2023. Since then we have been able to do in-depth market research of the green energy sector and provide a full report and the best target groups to promote their services. We have also reworked some of their website pages and optimized the SEO. After the website redevelopment, we created a social media campaign for a special spring offer!

Graphic Design

When doing the product development for FSE, there was a need to improve some of their product info brochures.


Market Research

Our initial work with FSE was doing in-depth market research so we could provide a full report and analysis showing in which places and to whose people will be best to promote their products and services. This information was important when we had to develop the company’s products and also in terms of social media campaigns.

Product Development

We helped FSE improve and clarify the offers on some of their products, making it easier to sell them and to attract more potential customers. That was, obviously, one of the main things to be changed on the product pages of their website.


We reworked some of the pages of an existing website, and more content was added to showcase more details and clearer information about the company’s products and services. The navigation of the website was also improved!

FSE Website mockup

Search Engine Optimization

There was a need to improve and optimize the SEO of FSE’s website since some pages indexation on search engines was not the best. After all the updates on the pages were done, the SEO optimization was done so all the pages could be found properly.

Online Marketing

A bit of creative media was made in order to promote FSE’s services and products in their social media pages. The design of cover images for those pages was also done.

FSE Social media post - 05.02.24  FSE Social media post - 18.03.24  FSE creative ad for social media campaign

FSE Facebook cover image

Video Production

After the website pages were updated, FSE asked us to create a social media campaign to advertise their Hybrid system and part of the creative media was done with videos/animations and we also made the audio for the ads! Check an example below:

Facebook Promotional Ad (Vertical format)