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Unsolicited Opinions in CMYK

Alistair Dunn
Unsolicited opinions CMYK - featured image

Snow is great. Yeah, sure it can be annoying for us adults who must shovel it out of the way all the bloody time, but its pure brilliant whiteness (#fffff, 255 255 255) is great for lighting up our world in those long Finnish dark winters, and without it, six months of the year would be […]

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There’s nothing meta about Meta’s workflow

Meta's workflow featured image

I am not the only one feeling this. Search the web and you find a lot of similar criticism of Facebook and Meta these days. I am not talking about how social media has changed the way people interact with each other, though there is certainly that going on. No, I am talking about how […]

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Startup syndrome

Alistair Dunn
Enterpreneur's syndrome featured image

It’s a normal situation for a founder, especially when the business is in its early phase to handle most jobs themselves, but what happens when that attitude drags on a bit too long and affects the functionality of the business? I will raise my hand to this one. Call it ego if you will, but […]

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