Contact information

Digi & Game Center, Matarankatu 2, 40100 Jyväskylä - Finland

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What we delivered

Our work with WeSecure started in November 2023 and we first designed brand icons that would illustrate the main areas the company is helping to protect in residential buildings. We then developed a new website, which included those icons and a specific animation (featured on the homepage) that we also did. Some printing materials were created as well before we ran a social media campaign to promote the company’s services!


When we envisioned the redevelopment of WeSecure’s website we thought of an animation that will visually show what the company does in the process of securing the network of a building. Click in the image below to play the final animation:

WeSecure animation thumbnail


A brand new website was created from a template and, as we mentioned, it had to feature a very distinctive animation to visually showcase the company’s services. Wix was used as the website-building platform.

WeSecure website mockup

Search Engine Optimization

Upon finishing the development of the new website, we had to work on the URL’s, Titles and Meta descriptions for all the pages so the SEO could be configured properly.

Market Research

Before and during the implementation of the website, there was some market research done so we could identify where the new website could be improved compared to the older version and it was also a preparation to find the best target groups and audiences once we will run any social media campaign on their behalf.

Graphic Design

Some custom made icons were created to be used by WeSecure, not just on the website but to establish visual elements to what the company is helping to protect in residential buildings. A rollup and a trifold were also developed to assist in the promotion of the brand and its services.

Icons WeSecure  WeSecure Rollup mockup  WeSecure Trifold mockup

Online Marketing

A decent amount of creative media was made in order to promote WeSecure’s services on their social media pages (Facebook, Instagram and LinkedIn). The design of cover images for those pages was also done.

We Secure Self assessment page ad  WeSecure Product page ad  WeSecure Contact ad

WeSecure LinkedIn cover image

Video Production

As there was a need to make a social media campaign to advertise WeSecure’s services, part of the creative media was done with videos/animations and we were also responsible for the production of the audio tracks in them! You can check 2 examples of those ads below:

LinkedIn Promotional Ad

Facebook Promotional Ad